
Lu Weibing Shares Technical Difficulties of Xiaomi's 100W Super Charge Turbo

Lu Weibing Shares Technical Difficulties of Xiaomi's 100W Super Charge Turbo

Xiaomi teased its 100W "Super Charge Turbo" fast charging technology capable of completely charging a 4000mAh battery in just 17 minutes last year. Xiaomi's Cathay President Lu Weibing has now shared some technical difficulties of the technology on Weibo.

In the Weibo post, Weibing mentions five hard technical aspects to be considered while implementing 100W fast charging. The aforesaid aspects are loss of battery capacity, technical architecture, performance, condom, and multiple charging scenarios.

1. Loss of Battery Capacity: Weibing says that the faster the telephone charges, the greater is the battery capacity loss. The bombardment capacity loss encountered in 100W fast charging estimates up to 20% when compared with 30W PD fast charging. In essence, a 5000mAh battery's capacity would practically reduce to 4000mAh.

2. Technical Architecture: Mr. Weibing did non go in-depth with respect to the technical implementation of SuperCharge Turbo technology. However, he mentions that the infrastructure requires an ultra-high voltage charging scheme.

3. Performance:He points out that the goal of the company is to make 100W charging sustainable over the years rather than making a mere implementation of the technology with technically accessible resources.

4. Safety: Xiaomi will focus on safety features while implementing SuperCharge Turbo to forbid potential impairment to hardware components including the motherboard, bombardment, and charger.

5. Multiple Charging Scenarios: The Chinese smartphone behemothic has also taken dissimilar charging scenarios – wired charging and wireless charging into consideration along with the compatibility of chargers.

In addition, Weibing hinted that SuperCharge Turbo is currently at its early on stages to consider mass production. While he has not revealed a concrete timeline, he anticipates the technology to exist ready for mass production in the future.

To conclude, he mentions how 5G smartphones eat significantly more ability when compared to 4G smartphones and the focus is to attain a healthy balance betwixt fast charging and the battery capacity of smartphones.


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